Together We Empower Rural India

Transforming Lives through sustainable Impact.

Sunaina Samriddhi Foundation has a skilled and dedicated team that creates sustainable programs to address rural India’s most pressing needs

To enrich the quality of life for underprivileged people in under served rural communities.To enhance the lifestyle and livelihood of rural communities, especially women’s and youngsters towards their upliftment, socially, educationally and economically through integrated participatory development approach and make them self-reliant in all walks of life. Our vocational skills connect the aspirations and potential of rural people to available market career opportunities. Elysium foundation builds their employability skills and map job potential based on individual strengths and mobility.

We have five main program areas: Water Management, Agriculture Development, Local Participation and Sustainability, Transform Lives Skill Development, and Outreach for Development. These programs are supported by a skilled research team that engages in participatory research, impact assessment, and interactive dialogues to determine informed actions to achieve sustainable results.


The Water Management program works with communities to harvest and store rainwater for direct use, and/or replenish groundwater by building and restoring infrastructure in villages. It supports revival of traditional water bodies, construction of water storage infrastructure, and safe disposal of wastewater. It promotes safe drinking water for all with innovative low-cost, sustainable technologies and WASH behavior. It creates awareness about the need for water conservation and builds capacities of local communities for better management and long-term sustainability of their water resources. The program seeks opportunities to collaborate for continuous improvement and replication of low-cost water management interventions.


Sunaina Samriddhi Foundation’s Agriculture Development Program promotes sustainable livelihoods in India by building capacities of farmers, including women farmers, on improved agricultural practices and new technologies that increase crop yields, conserve water, and improve soil fertility. The team works with small-holder and marginal farmers in rain-fed and irrigated areas to facilitate adoption of advanced and sustainable agricultural practices that include soil health management, climate-smart interventions, crop production management, input-use efficiency, small farm mechanization, water-efficient irrigation techniques, horticultural development, livestock management, and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in agriculture.

The Local Participation and Sustainability Program creates awareness among the communities about the value of participation in making local institutions vibrant and improving the last-mile delivery of government programs. The program incorporates local knowledge and choices in village development plans to support inclusive and sustainable rural development; and builds the capacities of village-level institutions to identify and address community problems, monitors the maintenance of public infrastructure, and conserves natural resources for holistic village development. Sunaina Samriddhi Foundation further creates awareness about important health and sanitation issues and promotes usage of digital technologies to widen the reach and benefits of government programs to the communities.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) is the skilling and placement initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India. DDU-GKY has its origins in the Aajeevika Skills programme and the ‘Special Projects’ component of the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY). The scheme focuses on catering to the occupational aspirations of rural youth and enhancing their skills for wage employment
We are imparting training in Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh Catering Trainee BPL Family with Rural Background and offering placement Opportunities to every single certified trainee with Post placement Support & 12 month Tracking
Outreach for Development initiatives facilitate participation and positive social change in rural communities by creating awareness and sharing knowledge. The program employs a well-balanced rural community media mix including a rural community radio station (CR Connect), social media, and other print, visual and interactive formats to strengthen and promote opinions favorable to the attainment of rural development goals. Reliable and timely information is shared in an easy-to-understand manner to stimulate dialogue and engagement that positively influence behavior changes. By providing a platform to grassroots communities to voice their views, people are encouraged to identify important issues affecting their lives and to work together to resolve them. Last-mile outreach activities bridge the large information divide and accelerate social change by bringing local voices and their concerns to the forefront.
Rural Research assesses the impact that on-ground interventions yield to understand what works and what doesn’t. Using a mixed methods approach, research is an integral component of the project lifecycle, from initiation to completion. It helps measure the impact we create on the ground and ensures sustainability in the long run.
Adaptive Technology initiative focuses on piloting innovations in water, agriculture, and education with the purpose of integrating new advancements to enrich developmental solutions and to create impact at scale. Integrating tech-based solutions through the use of artificial intelligence is undertaken to make programs and processes more efficient and result-driven.

Together, we can achieve Dream of Golden rural India

Sunaina Samriddhi Foundation embraces core values of integrity, excellence, professionalism, optimism, and respect, along with the belief that, with appropriate support from civil society organizations and the government, rural communities will be mobilized to develop their own vision for development and transform their awareness into action.

With support from donors and partners around the world, Our grassroots programs and development interventions have already reached people in 13 states across India, empowering individuals and communities in need to escalate and enhance their own development.


Rural Lives We Helped


Family We Supported

0 Crore

Fund/Donation We Received

You have our word And Our Promise

Change the world with us

If we Aspire to Live in a Happier World, We must empower those living on the margins of society” 

Lets envision Together a INDIA & World, where all people even in the most remote areas of the Country/World hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others